Saturday, January 10, 2009

I know, I know, it's been a long time!

Well, the weeks have flown by with celebrations galore. I hope you enjoy all our favorite holiday pics. I will try to update this more often, no guarantees though. We are still loving Cheyenne!(besides the wind and cold.)


Whitneymwall said...

Stephanie- How fun--I ran acroos your blog the other day!! You have such a cute family! You look great! I have a blog too! Check it out ryanandwhitneywall.blogspot
Take care!

Melanie said...

It's about time. love all the pictures. Can't wait to see more.

Lisa said...

Great photos! Keep it up! make it your new year's resolution! Ha! WE WANT MORE!! Miss you!

Michelle said...

i agree, it's about time you!!! I know you're a writer too not just a reader Snoopy so let's hear some crazy funny stories. I know you have a plethora of and you're just not sharing. love you

Owner said...

I'll just copy everyone else and say "about time"! Where's the spirit of the blog stalking? We need to see new stuff to stalk!